Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Depressing British Band Battle in Bizzaro World: tATu vs. In Extremo

OK, so you may remember a battle a little while back that pitted Sisters of Mercy against The Smiths.

This is a rematch, sort of.

I found really questionable covers of both bands' songs and have decided to put those videos into the ring. Why? Because I couldn't think of a better battle for this week and both videos are fucking hilarious.

The Main Event

In the blue corner, from Berlin, Germany, a band that has produced what may be the most fuckdickulous video in the history of music videos, IN EXTREMO.

In Extremo were founded in 1995 when two separate bands, a Rammstein-esque Krautrock act called Noah invited a group of neo-medieval folk musicians called Corvus Corax on stage for horribly ill-conceived jam session.

After the session, they were so pleased that Noah vocalist Michael Rhein suggested they make it a permanent arrangement, creating the world's first industrial band to feature lutes, bagpipes and something called a schawn. All seven of the band members took on ridiculous pseudonyms, Rhein dubbed himself "The Last Unicorn," and they decided to go by the collective moniker In Extremo. (It's Latin for In the Extreme.)

According to the band's MySpace, they played their first gig as In Extremo on March 29, 1997 in front of 1,000 people at the Leipzig Town Hall Market. Apparently there's not a lot to do in Leipzig in late March.

I really try not to put bands up here just to rip on them, but these guys are ridiculous. On the other hand, they're so ridiculous that they're just a little bit aweseome. I feel like if I went drinking with the members of In Extremo, it would end poorly.

Here's their cover of "This Corrosion." If you thought the video for the original version was silly, which it was, you should probably be sitting down for this one.

The Competition

In the red corner, from Moscow, Russia, everyone's favourite schoolgirl faux-lesbians, TATUUUUU!

I don't really feel like I need to give a backgrounder on tATu to anyone. There's not really much to say.

Back around the turn of the millennium, two 16 year-old-girls from Russia released an album of strange dance music in phonetically sung English. This was fairly unremarkable, in fact, the Romanian group Cheeky Girls did pretty much the exact same thing at the exact same time. What differentiated these two girls, known collectively as tATu and individually as Lena and Yulia, was that they were a lesbian couple.

Several things happened as a result of their declaration of sapphic love.

One, men around the world got erections.

Two, the sold a boatload of records.

Three, the Religious Right got very upset and condemned tATu as part of the gay agenda.

Four, some gay groups pointed out that while there was a lot of hand holding and caressing, it never seemed to go any further, and that it was possible that Lena and Yulia weren't lesbians at all, and that this was all a giant publicity stunt.

As it turned out, the gay naysayers were right. At the height of their fame, Yulia got pregnant. Shockingly, Lena wasn't the father. The girl's were forced to come clean and admit that they weren't lesbians, they hadn't been ostracized by their families due to the love that dare not speak its name, and that the whole thing was thought up by child psychologist-turned-post-Communist Maurice Starr Ivan Shapovalov.

A few interesting facts about tATu.

They represented Russia in the 2003 Eurovision song contest.

The ditched Shapovalov in 2004, saying he was more interested in manufacturing scandal than in helping them pursue their artistic vision.

They still exist, and are apparently continue to sell records in Russia.

Here's their cover of The Smith's "How Soon is Now?" Morrissey called their version of the song "magnificent" in an interview with the UK's Word magazine.

Comment to post, since I'm late getting this thing up. I'll extend the deadline to midnight on Saturday.


Anonymous said...

Is it possible to vote for both of them? And by that I mean vote that both groups perish in a freak gasoline fight accident.

Truly horrible on all sides.

I give a flaccid point to tATu, merely because boobs beats bagpipes.


Anonymous said...

In Extremo. I don't know the scientific explanation, but fire made it good.

Anonymous said...

When watching the In Extremo video I had a moment where I thought for sure that I'd be voting for tATu, because the In Extremo music was unlistenable. The video was a little absurd, but not in a good way.

I even thought I'd be happy with my tATu vote.

However, then comes tATu... And I find myself thinking, 'here is a version of this song that has removed all emotion and meaning.' Ah the joys of Phonetic interpretations!

And then match that with the total lameness of the lesbianism ... and I'm at a bit of a loss.

I guess I can give tAUt a flaccid (to use MEng's term) vote. But I'm not happy about it.

Anonymous said...

the vote goes to tatu because i was able to make it through the first 57 seconds without hating it - too much.

Anonymous said...

In Extremo, without question. Any band with bagpipes gets my vote. Also, I don't think I'm allowed to support even fake lesbians..... I'll have to check with my pastor.

Anonymous said...

The camera angles on in extremo were awesome! my vote is for them.

Anonymous said...

Frankly, In Extremo wasn't extremo enough. I kept waiting for the punchline, before realizing that the whole thing was the (unintentional) punchline, thereby blunting the video's impact.

On the other hand, tATu has faux-docu-seriousness, sunburst wipes, and a wicked sweet jumpkick at 1:35. I also love the craven intensity the girls sing with live, apparently. Plus they directed it themselves!

tATu, truly The Ticket For America.

Anonymous said...

I know I'm voting late. But Imma gonna vote anyway. So, In Extremo made a video, and they clearly made an effort to make it well, a video. TaTu made a mix tape of hand holding, and put no effort into well, making a video. I feel like I should vote for the group that tried, but instead I will reward teenage laziness and vote for TaTu.